
Evidence of How the Experience of Racial Discrimination May Alter Brain Connectivity, Cellular Aging, and Brain Health
Two facts have emerged from research over the last two decades about racial discrimination in the United States.  A plethora of research papers across disciplines have documented the fact that… Read More
How Immune Activation May Alter the Brain and Cause Depression-Related Behavior During Chronic Social Stress
Extensive research over several decades, some of it led by investigators supported by BBRF, has demonstrated that stress, including psychosocial stress (stress that arises from social interactions)… Read More
Stressful Life Events Can Cause Psychosis Relapse, Study Finds
There is considerable evidence that exposure to stressful life events can increase the risk that a vulnerable individual will go on to have a first psychotic episode. It has also been established… Read More
‘Drifting’ Neural Representation of Stress Suggests How the Brain Copes With Adversity
Repeated exposures to stress, and especially severe stress, are known to impair the brain’s ability to process thoughts and emotions, and can have a harmful impact on health. Among these impacts are… Read More
Team Identifies 3 Possible Brain-Based Biotypes of Post-Trauma Psychiatric Vulnerability
Following a highly stressful or traumatic event, different people respond in different ways. Some people appear to be naturally resilient; they may weather such an event better than most. Others… Read More