In recent years, a great deal of attention has been devoted by brain researchers to differences among the sexes in vulnerability to stress, and in turn, to the risk for disorders including anxiety…
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Women and men are known to have different vulnerabilities to psychiatric and other illnesses. There are a variety of reasons, including biological differences between the sexes and a vast number of…
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Researchers have reported distinct brain differences that enable them to distinguish between males and females with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
The distinguishing brain features involve…
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Infusion of the experimental drug brexanolone dramatically reduced the symptoms of severe postpartum depression in a small, randomized clinical trial reported June 12 in the journal The Lancet. The…
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Researchers have found that two hormones can modify the effects of maternal stress on a number of childhood behaviors, according to an article in Frontiers in Endocrinology. The study, which was…
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