Experiments performed by a team led by BBRF-affiliated investigators have provided striking evidence that may help to explain why psychosis typically emerges during adolescence and involves…
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Researchers studying the stories that people with PTSD tell about their traumatic experiences and then analyzing them in terms of the way they are represented in the brain by measuring patterns of…
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Researchers led by a BBRF grantee have made important discoveries in mice that have the potential to lead to completely new ways of attempting to treat and even reverse the symptoms of Alzheimer’s…
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Researchers have made an intriguing discovery about how a defective protein may be implicated in a mechanism that greatly increases the risk of schizophrenia in certain individuals and may help…
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Researchers studying a common form of epilepsy have made an important discovery about a process within the brain's hippocampus that appears to modulate seizure activity and suggests a possible new…
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