Alzheimer's Disease

In Large Study, Those Diagnosed with a Psychiatric Disorder Were More Likely to Develop Dementia
Although estimates vary, there is good evidence from population statistics that those whose functioning is significantly impaired by mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, major depression, and… Read More
Mindfulness Training Plus tDCS Stimulation to Treat Cognitive Decline in Older Persons with Depression or Anxiety
In older adults, there is a well-established association between cognitive decline and depression and anxiety. Yet, as of now, “there are no evidence-based interventions for older adults that target… Read More
Researchers Discover a Role for Immune Cells Called Microglia in Inhibiting Brain Activity and Regulating Behavior
Researchers have discovered an entirely new way in which the healthy brain keeps neural activation within normal bounds. The finding, which uncovers an unexpected role of immune cells called… Read More
Is Reversing Age-Related Memory Loss Possible? Boosting Levels of a Protein Found in Bones and Brain Suggest a Possible Method
Two things that we often associate with the normal human aging process are bone loss and memory loss. In a remarkable development, research in the Columbia University laboratories of Nobel laureate… Read More
Memory Training Builds Up Brain’s Gray Matter
In a study comparing the effects of memory training and yoga meditation in older adults, researchers found that a 12-week program of memory training could increase the volume of gray matter and… Read More